TUrn your expertise into impactful knowledge.

We Build & Scale Online

Courses Made By Professionals



(DEC. 2023)

TUrn your expertise into impactful ONLINE COURSE.



courses are modern-days masterminds

Why You Need An Online Education Platform

Grow Your Revenue

The e-learning industry experienced a 1000% growth (World Economic Forum).

So generating a rapid cashflow simply by teaching what you've mastered is easier than ever.

Scale Your Impact

As W. Buffet says, "Your netwrok is your networth".

Creating your course builds you a network of trusted individuals ready to trade with you because you've changed their lives for the better.

Learn By Teaching

While we teach, we learn” - Seneca

Even experts like you will get creative ideas while building your course and helping your community that would have never come up otherwise.

How We Will Help You

How We Will Help You

We work hand-in-hand throughout the entire process.

Formulating The Vision

We will start by building the vision for your course and aks ourselves who do we want to teach, how to teach them and most importantly,

why would we teach them

. This process will produce your curriculum and value proposition.

Producing Your Course

Once we have a solid foundation, it’s time to build. Together, we’ll create the material for your individual course modules as well as guiding you through the process of recording your course lessons.

Launch, Scale & Manage.

Now that your course is ready for the world, we’ll continue to be by your side.

You will see your course scale rapidly when we will start implementing our marketing techniques whilst we will be managing the back end of your community.

You will only have to focus on what you love : teaching others.

Intelligent & streamlined processes.

Using our streamlined designed processes, together we can go from scratch to launching a finished course in just 8 weeks.

Results speak louder.

Look at what our clients have to say :

"We're working together and Neotopia is the best.
Between 100's of agencies they were the one who stood out the most with their unique approach.

They really showed us the potential we had and helped us reach a respectable revenue of $10M/month"


"Neotopia's dedication in growing our online educational platform has helped us expand our local dialects throughout many different countries across the globe.
We are forever grateful for the help they provided to our culture"

- Sonina, head of Mongol Dialects


What type of experts do you work with ?

We only collaborate with pre-selected industry leaders. Our offer being quite unique, we do not run paid advertising in order to protect both you and us from potential imposters who will ruin our industry.

If you are here, it means that we were able to see your mastery in your respected field which pre-qualified you to be one of our exclusive clients.

Do you provide scripts for the course's content ?

Our main goal is to scale your online educational platform to $1M/month.

And to do this, the course you provide must be top notch and has to be written by an expert (you).

How Do You Guarantee Results ?

When we work with our clients, we like to consider ourselves business partners.

That is why we take a small share of the profits made by our strategic work, production and marketing of the course.

Such type of collaboration allows us to build trust with our partners by showing that their success is also directly correlated to ours.

There's more courses about everything everyday.

So book your call now to learn how to develop and scale an online course in your industry, before someone else does.

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